You are currently viewing Unfurling the Season of Warmth – Poem by Shreya Talwar

Unfurling the Season of Warmth – Poem by Shreya Talwar

The winter season is knocking at our doors,

And basking in the sun’s rays is what we all crave for.

It brings along with it the merriment of the festivities,

Infusing a sense of ecstasy in each activity.

Long hours of conversation around the bonfire,

Not only keep us snug, but also bridges the gap between relations, making the light of communication shine brighter.

The euphoric holiday mood not only lifts one’s spirits,

But also brings one closer to their beloved folks encircling them in the happiness blanket.

In this icy cold weather of the winter land, Let us pour out the feelings of endearment & concern to engulf our dear ones with the warmth of one’s emotions grand.

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