For most of us, hearing the word ‘inhibition’ might cause a streak of nervousness to cross through our minds. Each one of us must have experienced this feeling at some point or the other with regards to different aspects. In today’s fast paced competitive scenario, one has become self-conscious to such an extent that at times performing routine activities also becomes a herculean task. This is because one constantly feels pressurized to portray oneself in a particular way that would be acceptable to others, even if it means losing your own sense of self. In the present times, we are always quick to judge others and form an opinion about them. Trying to gauge an individual’s personality just basis their appearance, know-how of a language, ability to present oneself in a certain way, possessing certain skills or materialistic things certainly would not be a fair parameter to assess the individual in question. Not disregarding the importance of any of the aforementioned, but can these alone be a yardstick to form an impression about someone? Shouldn’t the human qualities of the likes of kindness, compassion, being there for each other, the ability to make someone smile, being honest, helpful, having not only a good intelligence quotient, but also an emotional quotient be brought into consideration. All of the above is possible only if everyone is given an opportunity to showcase their thoughts without the fear of being judged. Establishing the bridge of communication to try and deduce the realism and not be clouded by preconceived notions. There is a famous saying that ‘first impression is the last impression,’ but at times you need to go beyond a chance encounter if one truly wishes to infer the act of being genuine in the process of translation of words into actions. As it is rightly said that actions speak louder than words. Each one of us has certain shortcomings, but at the same time everyone also possesses a unique talent. One just needs to master the art of building on one’s strengths and overcoming the weaknesses. An amalgamation of having confidence over one’s prowess, acceptance of one’s flaws and putting in a sincere effort to improve upon it will always turn out to be the apt recipe for success. No one is perfect, but everyone should be given a chance to be known for who they truly are and to instill in them the confidence that even they have the ability to rise to glory with dedication, hard work, perseverance and encouragement being their support system. Inhibitions are an inherent part of the human nature and each one has its own basis the path that one has treaded on. The focus should be on not getting whisked away by the gushing winds of hesitancy but withstanding the blow of lack of confidence and emerging out of the storm with a sense of self belief.

Trapped in the Web of Inhibitions – Author Shreya Talwar
- Post author:admin
- Post published:January 20, 2023
- Post category:Blogs
- Post comments:0 Comments
Tags: Author Shreya Talwar, blogs by Shreya Talwar, Shreya Talwar, Trapped in the Web of Inhibitions